Senin, 31 Mei 2021

My Profile

  Assalamualaikum for you who reading my blog :)

Welcome to my blog. In this opportunity, I want to tell you about my profile. I am Fahren Hamid Rangkuti. I was born on February 21 years ago in Depok, West Java. I am the first child of 2 siblings. My parents are from different cities. My father is from Mandailing Natal in North Sumatra, while my mother is from Purworejo in Central Java. So that people call me "Pejabat" (Peranakan Jawa-Batak) means Java-Batak Generation. I feel a little shy, but also proud because of the title 😄 

My activities as an English student now are those learning step by step all about English perfectly beginning in books, videos, etc. Besides, I also teach Qur'an at TPQ (Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an) during this pandemic. Because my vision is look for world knowledge and hereafter knowledge afterward is applied into this life.

Why I took English major at Unindra, the first because I think the reached and qualified campus is Unindra in Jakarta. Second, I want to explore my understanding of English deeply on this campus. 

My goal after graduate from college is to become a professional English teacher. And if there is a chance, I want to be an ambassador to Indonesia in another country. Maybe my expectation is too high, but I will try anything to get it. Because what we have chosen is what will motivate us. I think that's all from me, see you next blog. Thank you a lot guys.

Reflection About CALL Course

Hello... Welcome back to my blog :)      Today i want to reflected about CALL (Computer Assisted Languange Learning) Course.   Computer Ass...