Minggu, 20 Juni 2021

Review about English application learning

Hello guys!!! 

Welcome back to my blog :)

    At this time, I want to review an application which help us to improve our English skills. Yaa that is "Beelinguapp".

    Beelinguapp is an excellent app for reading in foreign languages. The app allows the user to consecutively read a mirrored text, but in two separate languages at the same time. The app also serves as an audiobook and uses what it calls ‘karaoke reading’ to allow any user to follow the audio in the text on both sides. Beelinguapp supports 12 foreign languages, varying between fairy tales, news, science papers and novels.

Beelinguapp Features

Learn Languages the Right Way

  • Learn a new language by reading different texts in a language of your choosing! 
  • Learn a language by listening to the audio of the text in any language, even if your phone is sleeping.
  • Beelinguapp gives you the option to read the text in YOUR language to use it as a reference.
  • Learn by follow the reader of the audio with a karaoke style animation to know exactly what they are saying.

Learn with Tons of Great Stories

  • No memorization and no flashcards needed. Get side by side readings of your favorite stories.
  • Learn languages at your own pace and choose stories only you want to read.
  • Sort by language, your language level and story type to make learning languages easy.

    Learn new languages by reading different texts side by side with Beelinguapp, the easy language learning app! No memorization and no flashcards needed. Learn languages at your own pace by reading your favorite stories on Beelinguapp!

That's all from me, see you next time guys. Thank you :)

Minggu, 13 Juni 2021

Education Based Application of Educandy

    Hello guys...!!! Welcome back!

    In this blog, I will review one of the education-based application, namely Educandy. Educandy is a web-based application that has a slogan (making learning fun). Educandy can be used to create fun online games. The games made are still in the context of learning but not boring. This game can be given during face-to-face learning in class or during online or offline PJJ. Games are usually liked and often played by students when they feel bored, bored or stressed. The existence of educational games makes learning more varied and fun.

    Now before we use the educandy application, we must log in first if we already have an account. And if not you can register your account.

    After you have logged into the application using your email, you can immediately create the games. However, before playing I will first explain the types of games that exist in educandy.

• Match up, drag and drop on the appropriate text.

• Quiz, a collection of multiple choice quizzes. Choose the correct answer to move on to the next question.

• Random wheels, spin the existing wheel to see the next item that appears.

• Open the box, tap each box to open and see what's inside.

• Group sort, drag and drop items according to the correct group.

• Find the match, match it with the correct answer. Repeat until all questions are gone.

• Random cards, select a card from a pile that has been shuffled.

• Matching pairs, choose cards according to their pairs before time runs out.

• Missing words, a reading activity where players can drag and drop text on an empty space.

• Unjumble, rag and drop words to sort into a proper sentence.

• Anagrams, drag letters to the correct position of the scrambled word or phrase.

• Labeled diagrams, drag and drop at the correct point on the image.

• Gameshow quizzes, multiple choice quizzes with tight timing and bonus rounds.

• Whack-a-mole, a mouse will appear at any given moment. Hit on the right answer to win the game.

• Wordsearch, find the word in the letter box as fast as possible.

• Maze chase, go to the correct answer zone while avoiding existing enemies.

• Crossword, use the clues provided to complete the crossword puzzle.

Well for those of you who want to try using the games.

Let's try clicking the link below so you can try playing games on Educandy!




Alright friends, that's my review. Sorry if there are misspelled words or typos. Thank you and see you on the next blog.

Reflection About CALL Course

Hello... Welcome back to my blog :)      Today i want to reflected about CALL (Computer Assisted Languange Learning) Course.   Computer Ass...